By Bob Andelman

I'll Write It, You Read It, Okay? Thanks!


Tampa Tribune

Journal: What’s On TV, Walt Belcher? INTERVIEW

By Bob Andelman May 23, 1990 Aside from the 1,000 videocassettes overflowing three closets and the garage, the Yogi Bear “pic-a-nic” basket, Barry Manilow shoestrings, Cheryl Ladd statuette, Godzilla clock, autographed cassette of songs by Knight Rider and Baywatch star… Continue Reading →

RIP Tampa Tribune editorial cartoonist Wayne Stayskal, 1931-2018

By Bob Andelman I swear I only worked at the old Tampa Tribune for six months but I met so many great and talented people there whose influences on me continued for decades that it’s hard to believe it was… Continue Reading →

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